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  1. A. Yudhana, S. Mukhopadhyay, O. D. A. Prima, S. A. Akbar, F. Nuraisyah, I. Mufandi, K. H. Fauzi, and N. A. Nasyah, Multi Sensor Application-Based for Measuring the Quality of Human Urine on First-Void Urine, Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, Elsevier, 34, p1-12, 2021.

  2. Y. Ono, O. D. A. Prima, and K. Hosogoe, Evaluations and Applications of Partial Body Joint Model in 3D Human Pose Estimation from Single Image, International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 13, p114-123, 2021.

  3. K. Kato and O. D. A. Prima, 3D Gaze on Stationary and Moving Visual Targets in Mixed Reality Environments,  International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 13, p104-113, 2021.

  4. Y. Tanaka, O. D. A. Prima, K. Hotta, K. Ogura, K. Matsuda, and S. Yuki, Development of a VR Simulator for Speed Sprayer Operation Training,  International Journal on Advances in Software, 14, p151-161, 2021.

  5. 堀田 健仁, プリマ オキ ディッキ アルディアンシャー, 今渕 貴志, 亀田 昌志, 眼球運動に基づく高性能視野計の開発, 画像電子学会, 50, p62-71, 2021.

  6. K. Yoshikawa, Y. Ono, and O. D. A. Prima, Development of a Flexible 3D Pointing Device with Haptic Feedback, ACHI 2021, The Fourteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, p12-15, 2021.

  7. Y. Ono and O. D. A. Prima, Assessment of Drug Picking Activity using RGB-D Camera, ACHI 2021, The Fourteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, p6-11, 2021.

  8. O. D. A. Prima and K. Hosogoe, 3D Human Pose Estimation of a Partial Body from a Single Image and Its Application in the Detection of Deterioration in Sitting Postures, eTELEMED 2021, The Thirteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, p1-5, 2021.

  9. Y. Tanaka, O. D. A. Prima, K. Ogura, K. Matsuda, and S. Yuki, Toward the Development of a VR Simulator for Speed Sprayers, ACHI 2021, The Fourteenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, p1-5, 2021.

  10. K. Hotta, O. D. A. Prima, and T. Imabuchi, Gaze Calibration of Eye Trackers for Head-Mounted Displays Using Eye-Frontalization Process, eTELEMED 2021, The Thirteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, p6-10, 2021.

  11. K. Kato and O. D. A. Prima, 3D Gaze Characteristics in Mixed-Reality Environment, eTELEMED 2021, The Thirteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, p11-15, 2021.

  12. O.D.A. Prima, Y. Ono, K. Hosogoe, M. Nakano, and T. Imabuchi, Automatic Analysis of Nonverbal Mirroring Communication, International Journal on Advances in Telecommunications, 13, p63-72, 2020.

  13. O.D.A. Prima, Y. Ono, H. Ito, T. Tomisawa, and T. Imabuchi, Facial Mimicry Analysis Based on 3D Morphable Face Models, International Journal on Advances in Software, 13, p274-283, 2020.

  14. O.D.A. Prima, K. Hotta, R. Takahashi, and H. Ito, A Pointing Device for 3D Interactive Spherical Displays, International Journal on Advances in Software, 13, p284-293, 2020.

  15. 吉田 武義,高嶋 礼詩,工藤 健,プリマ オキ ディッキ,他7名, 東北日本弧における後期新生代の火成活動と地殻構造 ─内陸地震活動の背景─, 地学雑誌, 129, p529-563, 2020.

  16. R. Takahashi, K. Hotta, O.D.A. Prima, and H. Ito, A Perspective-Corrected Stylus Pen for 3D Interaction, ACHI 2020, p11-14, 2020.

  17. K. Hosogoe, M. Nakano, O.D.A. Prima, and Y. Ono, Toward Automated Analysis of Communication Mirroring, ACHI 2020, p15-18, 2020.

  18. O.D.A. Prima, H. Ito, T. Tomizawa, and T. Imabuchi, Facial Mimicry Training Based on 3D Morphable Face Models, ACHI 2020, p57-60, 2020.

  19. Y. Murata, O.D.A. Prima, R. Takahashi, Y. Nishimura, and H. Tsuboi, A System for Collecting Motion Data for Use in Quantitatively Evaluating Activities of Daily Living, International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 11, p160-171, 2019.

  20. O.D.A. Prima, Y. Ono, Y. Murata, H. Ito, T. Imabuchi, and Y. Nishimura, Evaluation of Joint Range of Motion Measured by Vision Cameras, International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 11, p128-137, 2019.

  21. K. Hotta, O.D.A. Prima, T. Imabuchi, and H. Ito, Compensatory Visual Field Training Based on a Head- mounted Display Eye Tracker, HCI International, p263-268, 2019.

  22. K. Kato, O.D.A. Prima, and H. Ito, 3D Eye Tracking for Visual Imagery Measurements, HCI International, p231-237, 2019.

  23. K. Hotta, O.D.A. Prima, T. Imabuchi, and H. Ito, VR-HMD Eye Tracker in Active Visual Field Testing, 2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), p1843-1847, 2019.

  24. R. Takahashi, Y. Murata, and O.D.A. Prima, A System for Collecting Motion Data on Patients’ Activities of Daily Living, IARIA eTELEMED, p7-12, 2019.

  25. Y. Nishimura, H. Tsuboi, Y. Murata, and O.D.A. Prima, Measurement of Shoulder and Trunk Movements in Hemiplegic Participants Using a System for Collecting Motion Data, IARIA eTELEMED, p19-22, 2019.

  26. O.D.A. Prima, T. Imabuchi, Y. Ono, Y. Murata, H. Ito, and Y. Nishimura, Single Camera 3D Human Pose Estimation for Tele-rehabilitation, IARIA eTELEMED, p13-18, 2019.

  27. G.Hagemann, Q.Zhou, O.D.A. Prima, I. Stavness, and S. Fels, Here's looking at you: A Spherical FTVR Display for Realistic Eye-Contact, Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, p357-362, 2018.

  28. T. Imabuchi, O.D.A. Prima, and H. Ito, Automated Assessment of Nonverbal Behavior of the Patient during Conversation with the Healthcare Worker Using a Remote Camera, The Tenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, p21-26, 2018.

  29. 今渕 貴志, プリマ オキ ディッキ,伊藤 久祥, 亀田 昌志, 頭部姿勢の変動を考慮した可視光線非接触型の視線計測システムの開発, 画像電子学会, 47, p31-40, 2018.

  30. Y. Ono, O.D.A. Prima, T. Imabuchi, Y. Murata, H. Ito, and Y. Nishimura, Assessment of Joint Range of Motion Measured by a Stereo Camera,  IARIA eTELEMED, p23-29, 2018.

  31. 鶴崎裕貴, 亀田昌志, プリマオキディッキアルディアンシャー, Total Variation正則化を用いたテクスチャの鮮鋭化のための単一画像による超解像, 画像電子学会, 46, p206-217, 2017.

  32. H. Tsurusaki, M. Kameda, and O. D. A. Prima, Single image super resolution based on total variation regularization with Gaussian noise, Proceedings of Picture Coding Symposium, p1-5, 2016.

  33. T. Imabuchi, O.D.A. Prima, and H. Ito, Visible Spectrum Eye Tracking for Safety Driving Assistance, International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, 2016.

  34. H.Tsurusaki, M. Kameda, O.D.A. Prima, Super resolution from a single image to improve sharpness of texture based on optimum parameter of total variation regularization, Proceedings of The 4th IIAE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2016, 2016.

  35. 今渕貴志,落合貴之,堀江友祐,プリマ・オキ・ディッキ,伊藤久祥, 共同注意が計測可能なモバイル視線計測システムの開発, FIT2015 第14回情報科学技術フォーラム, p323-327, 2015.

  36. 堀田 健仁, 富沢 貴大, 起田 貴成, プリマ・オキ・ディッキ, 伊藤 久祥, HMD型アクティブ視野検査機器の開発, ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム, 2015.

  37. 宮原 崇志, プリマ・オキ・ディッキ, 伊藤 久祥, 即時利用可能なまばたきスイッチインタフェースの開発, ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム, 2015.

  38. 今渕 貴志, プリマ・オキ・ディッキ, 伊藤 久祥, 頭部姿勢変動に対応した可視光カメラによる非接触型視線計測システム, ヒューマンインタフェースシンポジウム, 2015.

  39. T. Imabuchi, O.D.A. Prima, H. Kikuchi, Y. Horie, and H. Ito, Visible-spectrum remote eye tracker for gaze communication, Proc. SPIE 9443, Sixth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2014), 2014.

  40. Y. Jaana, O.D.A. Prima, Imabuchi, T., Ito,H., Hosogoe,K., The development of automated behavior analysis software, Proc. SPIE 9443, Sixth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2014), 2014.

  41. Y. Horie, O.D.A.Prima, T. Imabuchi, H. Ito, Unrestricted head movement calibration for a head-mounted eye tracker, Image Electronics and Visual Computing Workshop 2014 (IEVC2014), 2014.

  42. H. Tsurusaki, M. Kameda, and O.D.A. Prima, Super Resolution from a single image based on total variation regularization, Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Image Processing (ICISIP2014), 2014.

  43. プリマ・オキ・ディッキ, 伊藤久祥,蛇穴祐稀,細越久美子, 会話中の行動を自動観察できるソフトウェアの開発, 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会 , p61-66, 2013.

  44. T. Yoshida, J. Kimura, R. Yamada, V. Acocella, H. Sato, D. Zhao, J. Nakajima, A. Hasegawa, T. Okada, S. Honda, M. Ishikawa, O.D.A. Prima, T. Kudo, B. Shibazaki, A. Tanaka, and T. Imaizumi, Evolution of the Late Cenozoic Magmatism and the Crust-Mantle structure in the NE Japan Arc, The Geological Society, 385, p335-387, 2013.

  45. B.D.A. Nugroho, O.D.A. Prima, H. Kanno, R. Sameshima, H. Fujii, and L.C.M. Lopez, Relationships between global climate indices and rain-fed crop yields in highland of South-Central Java, Indonesia, Journal of Geography, 122, p438-447, 2013.

  46. プリマ・オキ・ディッキ,吉田武義,工藤健,野中翔太, 重力異常分布図からの伏在カルデラリム抽出法, 地理情報システム学会, 20, p83-93, 2012.

  47. プリマ・オキ・ディッキ,田口康平,大棒麻実,亀田昌志,伊藤久祥, ROI-JPEGの実用化に向けての取り組み?主観的品質の保証とアルゴリズムの簡易化?, 画像電子学会誌, 41, p479-486, 2012.

  48. プリマ・オキ・ディッキ, 亀田昌志, 伊藤皓平, 伊藤久祥, JPEG画像にROIを導入するための手法, 画像電子学会誌, 40, p993-1000, 2011.

  49. プリマ・オキ・ディッキ, 高効率符号化におけるROIの利用 : その課題と最近の動向, IEICE technical report, 111, p53-58, 2011.

  50. O.D.A. Prima, T. Yoshida, and T. Kudo, Caldera rims of Northeast Honshu Extracted from Gravity Anomalies and Aeromagnetic Data, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2011.

  51. O.D.A. Prima and T. Yoshida, Extraction of caldera rims from gravity data using GIS, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011, 2011.

  52. O.D.A. Prima and T. Yoshida, Delineation of Late Miocene to Pleistocene Caldera Rims from Gravity and Aeromagnetic Data, 6th WSEAS International conference on Remote Sensing, , p239-243, 2010.

  53. 伊藤文人, プリマ・オキ・ディッキ, 上野育子, 伊藤憲三, CT 画像からの立位 3 次元膝関節モデルの生成手法, 画像電子学会誌, 39, p706-713, 2010.

  54. F. Ito, O.D.A. Prima, I. Uwano, and K. Ito, A fast rigid-registration method of inferior limb X-ray image and 3D CT images for TKA surgery, SPIE Medical Imaging, 11, p76232V.1-76232V.8, 2010.

  55. O.D.A. Prima and T. Yoshida, Characterizing Volcanic Geomorphology Using Slope and Topographic Openness, Geomorphology. Elsevier, 118, p22-32, 2009.

  56. 長澤秀利, プリマ・オキ・ディッキ, 細越久美子, 細江達郎, 建物・土地の利用形態からみた地域特性と窃盗犯罪発生との関連の検討?岩手県盛岡市の3交番管轄地域を対象として?, 日本応用心理学会, 34, p23-32, 2009.

  57. T. Kaida, O.D.A. Prima, and H. Kanno, Impact of ENSO-related unusual weather to local agricultural production in Indonesia, SIA GIS2008 2008, , p1-5, 2008.

  58. O.D.A. Prima, , Taketaka, A., Nagasawa, H., Hosogoe, A region division method for crime analysis based on the density of buildings, ASIA GIS2008 2008, , p1-7, 2008.

  59. O.D.A. Prima, A. Echigo, R. Yokoyama, and T. Yoshida, Supervised landform classification of Northeast Honshu from DEM-derived thematic maps, Geomorphology. Elsevier, 78, p373-386, 2006.

  60. 吉田武義, 中島淳一, 長谷川昭, プリマ・オキ・ディッキ他5名, 後期新生代, 東北本州弧における火成活動史と地殻・マントル構造(共著), 第四紀研究, 44, p195-216, 2005.

  61. 小泉真也, プリマ・オキ・ディッキ, 伊藤憲三, 堀内隆彦, 回帰面による輝度画像のエッジ抽出法(共著), 画像電子学会, 34, p778-785, 2005.

  62. O.D.A. Prima, R. Yokoyama, T. Yoshida, Classification of Topographic Terrains Using Thematic Maps Derived from DEMs "jointly worked", International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XXXIV, p1-6, 2003.

  63. 横山隆三, プリマ・オキ・ディッキ, 傾斜地の標高補間に用いられる3次エルミート関数の性質について(共著), 写真測量とリモートセンシング, 41, p14-22, 2002.

  64. O.D.A. Prima and R. Yokoyama, DEM generation method from contour lines based on the steepest slope segment chain and a monotone interpolation function, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Elsevier, 57, p86-101, 2002.

  65. O.D.A. Prima and R. Yokoyama, A New Algorithm Generating Digital Elevation Model from Contour Maps "jointly worked", Proceedings of International Symposium on Remote Sensing, , p444-448, 2001.

  66. O.D.A. Prima and R. Yokoyama, A New Algorithm to Generate High Accuracy DEM(共著), Proceedings of the Symposia on New Concepts and Modelling in Geomorphology and Geomorphometry, DEMs and GIS, 1, p86-87, 2001.

  67. プリマ・オキ・ディッキ, 横山隆三,  高精度のDEM を作成するためのアルゴリズムの開発(共著), 写真測量とリモートセンシング, 40, p52-62, 2001.

  68. 白沢道生, プリマ・オキ・ディッキ, 横山隆三, 50mメッシュDEMによる広域の水系抽出手法(共著), 写真測量とリモートセンシング, 39, p35-44, 2000.

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